Cat in the Hat audio manual
Version 2/11/2018

2 Speaker version

What you'll need:

The computer

An Apple Mac computer. We’ve provided versions for three different versions of QLab - v2, v3 and v4. If you have any of these versions of QLab, you should be able to run the show. The different versions will run on different age Apple Mac’s and operating systems.

To test if your computer is fast enough, download the show and try running Sound Q77 - if this runs smoothly then your computer is probably fine - if it doesn’t play smoothly, you should investigate getting more RAM for your computer or a faster computer. Mac Mini’s are a popular choice for this sort of work.

If you are using QLab for the first time, you can download v4 from Figure 53’s website. It’ll work with most Apple Mac’s made since 2013 that can run Mac OS High Sierra, Mojave or later.

Your computer will, depending on the model, have a headphone output or a line-output, in the form of a mini-headphone socket on the computer. You will need a lead to connect from this socket to your sound system.

The software

You will need to download QLab from:

The software is free to download and use but has a few restrictions.

The show was built using v2.6 of QLab but has been tested as working with all subsequent versions of QLab up to and including v4.3

We are not affiliated with Figure 53 / QLab in any way and cannot offer support on how to use it. Figure 53 however offer many excellent video tutorials on their website explaining basic through advanced use of the software. They also have a very useful email list where users can ask questions about using QLab.

The microphone

You will need a microphone on a stand for the perfomer(s) offstage who are providing the voice-overs, “Said the Cat”, etc

The sound system

Landscape mode means the speakers are laid on their side (think landscape and portait in the page setup of your computer printer).

This is optional. We had them on their side because we had very little space upstage of our blue Cyc, so it was easier for the performers to step over the speakers if they were on their side.

You would connect your sound system like this:

You would setup your mixing desk so that:

Input 1 to Output 1
Input 2 to Output 2
Input 3 is routed to Output 1 and 2 so that the voice-overs come out of both the upstage speakers.

Download the files

OK, now download the files here.


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